Secteurs d'activité:
- Environnement, changements climatiques et gestion des ressources naturelles
- Djibouti
- Haïti
- Indonésie
- Madagascar
- Népal
- États-Unis
The evaluation of the GFDRR consisted in reviewing the effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of the partnership in the context of reducing a country’s vulnerability to natural hazards and climate variability. It had to identify constraints and recommend refinements to mainstreaming disaster risk reduction for sustainable development and economic growth in support of the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA). Fifty-five projects were evaluated, among which 44 through desk reviews, studying documents such as projects’ proposal, progress reports, financial reports, publications, etc. Four projects were reviewed through virtual field visits, while seven other projects were reviewed through on-site field visits in Madagascar, Djibouti, Nepal, Haiti, and Indonesia. Over 90 stakeholders were interviewed through the evaluation. The evaluation was undertaken with a view to identifying lessons to improve the Facility in the future, and providing recommendations to improve the program approach and business model, and optimize its partnering arrangements in anticipation of future growth.