Assessment of the AfDB’s Readiness to Implement an Integrated Results-Based Management and Evaluation System of Development Effectiveness

ID Projet: 

Secteurs d'activité:


African Development Bank (AfDB)
Marie-Hélène Adrien
Service offert: 
Renforcement des capacités
Janvier, 2004
Veuillez noter que la description de ce projet est disponible en anglais seulement.

From 2002 to 2005, Universalia worked with the Evaluation Unit of the African Development Bank to design results-based management and evaluation systems to improve the development effectiveness of the Bank. The steps included an initial institutional needs/readiness assessment, followed by design and implementation of various capacity building and change management activities to support eventual implementation of a full MIS to capture performance information and use it in corporate and investment performance reporting to donors.

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Date de parution: 
Janvier, 2004