Secteurs d'activité:
- Égalité des genres, autonomisation et inclusion
- Antigua-et-Barbuda
- Dominique
- Grenade
- Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis
- Sainte-Lucie
- Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines
The main objectives of this consultancy were to (i) enhance monitoring and evaluation capacity within six (6) CARICAD independent OECS Member States1 towards the institutionalization of M&E within ministries and departments so that these entities begin to produce and show evidence of use of performance information; and (ii) strengthen the capacity of CARICAD staff in the application of M&E tools and techniques. Universalia was responsible for conducting a diagnostic study of the state of M&E in beneficiary countries and of the level of training required within countries, and preparing a diagnostic report for submission to CARICAD. The Universalia team also conducted training in M&E, comprising two three-day sub-regional workshops for public sector officials and six one-day in-country workshops in results concepts and the development of M&E plans. Upon completing the assignment, Universalia also developed a final report containing recommendations for the institutionalisation of M&E across the OECS.