Secteurs d'activité:
- Employabilité, marché du travail et création d'emplois
- Barbade
The objectives of this assignment were to develop a results framework as well as developing a training workshop for all stakeholders of BNTFO so as to improve the development effectiveness of the BNTF by promotion of accountability for results. The objectives of the consultancy were: to build capacity to incorporate RBM in the planning, implementation and reporting systems of the BNTFOs; to facilitate improved processes for base line information gathering, measurement and the capture of results by the BNTFOs; and to enhance reporting on performance and development impact by the CDB BNTF regional programme. Universalia has already carried out the following activities: conducting a needs analysis of the BNTFOs through the administration of an online survey; developing a training module on MfDR, focusing on monitoring and reporting on the BNTF, with detailed methodology and support materials; testing of the training module with CDB staff; and revising the existing reporting system and developing new monitoring tools.