Program Monitor: Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Debt Strategy and Analysis Capacity Building Program (CBP) Phase IV

ID Projet: 

Secteurs d'activité:


UK Department for International Development (DfID)
Service offert: 
Renforcement des capacités
Janvier, 2009
Veuillez noter que la description de ce projet est disponible en anglais seulement.

Universalia has been contracted by DFID on behalf of a consortium of seven donors to provide program monitoring and advisory services to the HIPC CBP Phase IV Steering Committee, the governance body for this initiative. To date, this assignment has involved the development of an inception report and workplan, the assessment of the sustainability of debt management services within four regional organizations in Africa and Latin America supported by HIPC CBP, and a review and critique of HIPC CBP reporting processes. As Program Monitor, we will conduct and prepare program reports on planned/actual results achievement over the next 2-3 years for the Steering Committee.

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Date de parution: 
Janvier, 2009