South Asia Regional People and Policy Project (SARPPP) Monitoring/Technical Advisory Services

ID Projet: 

Secteurs d'activité:


Agence Canadienne de Développement International (ACDI)
Service offert: 
Évaluation de la performance institutionnelle et organisationnelle
Janvier, 2004
Veuillez noter que la description de ce projet est disponible en anglais seulement.

Universalia undertook a multi-year monitoring assignment of the CIDA South Asian Regional People and Policy Program, a multi-faceted program focused on strengthening the role of civil society organizations, enhancing women’s roles in local governance, democratization, and strengthening public participation in regional policy development. This assignment included an organizational assessment of the main local implementing partner, South Asia Partnership International, as well as rapid organizational assessments of the five national South Asia Partnership offices.

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Date de parution: 
Janvier, 2004