Education for Employment (EFE) is an affiliated network of locally-run non-profit organizations in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA). Informed by partnerships with employers and world-class education experts, its Job Placement Training Program provides unemployed university-educated youth with the professional and vocational skills that local businesses seek. When trainees graduate, the program links them to job opportunities. Universalia was selected to conduct a qualitative evaluation of the Job Placement Training Program. The evaluation will focus on youth beneficiaries as the main subject. It will adopt innovative data collection methods such as Photovoice, storyboards, and qualitative tracer studies to identify whether changes, positive or negative, occurred in young people’s and their families' lives during and after their participation in the program, as well as the reasons behind this change/absence of change. The evaluation is led by Mrs. Rima Slaibi, Evaluation Consultant specialized in Employability and entrepreneurship interventions.
Nos bureaux sont maintenant ouverts ! Comme notre personnel travaille dans un environnement hybride, nous sommes bien équipés pour continuer à offrir nos services virtuellement ET en personne.