Evaluation of the Government of Malawi and UNICEF Country Programme of Cooperation (2019-2023)

ID Projet: 

Secteurs d'activité:


Beement Alemayehu
Service offert: 
Monitoring & Evaluation
Juin, 2022 - Mars, 2023

Universalia conducted a combined summative and formative, utilization focused evaluation of the Government of Malawi-UNICEF Country Programme (2019-2023). The evaluation provided impartial and independent evidence to assist the Country Office and Malawi authorities and decision-makers to inform the next programming cycle. In line with the UNICEF Evaluation Policy, Country Programme (CP) evaluations are mandatory for every second programming cycle. The CPE is conducted to capture and provide evaluative evidence of UNICEF’s contributions to development results at the country level, as well as the effectiveness of UNICEF’s strategy in facilitating and leveraging national efforts for achieving development results. The CPE’s overall purpose is to inform the design of the next UNICEF Country Programme Document, promote effective decision-making, and reinforce the accountability of UNICEF to key internal and external stakeholders. 

The evaluation used qualitative data collection methods as well as quantitative methods. Information from the different lines of inquiry were triangulated to improve the reliability of the findings and to ensure that the recommendations were grounded in the reality. Data collection methods included document review, remote key stakeholder interviews, online survey, in-person key stakeholder interviews and focus group discussions, as well as field visits to districts within Malawi. Deliverables included an Inception Report, a Draft and Final Evaluation Report, as well as an evaluation brief. 

Date de parution: 
Avril, 2023

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