Résultats de la recherche

Coral Reef Management Project (COREMAP)

- Projet

Universalia led a team of evaluation specialists to assess World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Australian Government Overseas Aid Program (AusAID) projects in the largest global coral reef program based in Indonesia. This four-month review...

Capacity-Building in Results-Based Management for Partner Countries of the Asian Development Bank

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The assignment was intended to initiate a pilot process for building the RBM capacity of managers in key public sector implementing agencies in two countries (the Philippines and Peoples’ Republic of China). The aim was to ensure that managers...

UNIFEM Management and Monitoring Framework

- Projet

Universalia assisted UNIFEM in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of its existing performance management and monitoring systems and in developing a performance management framework that the organization can use to monitor and assess its performance...

Performance Monitoring of the Southern Africa AIDS Trust Training (SAT) Programme Phase III

- Projet

SAT III is a $31.5 million project whose purpose was to build the capacity of community-based organisations to deliver services for the prevention of HIV infection. Universalia was responsible for the design and implementation of a five-year external...

Organizational and Program Review of PARTNERS in Rural Development

- Projet

Universalia was asked to carry out an independent assessment of PARTNERS, a non-profit organization that enables poor rural communities in developing nations to achieve sustainable livelihoods. The objectives of the assessment were to: 1) provide...

World Bank Appraisal Mission of the West Africa Financial Sector Development Project

- Projet

The West African Capital Market Development Project promotes regional integration, both in terms of infrastructure (by financing regional infrastructure projects) and financial markets, across the eight WEAMU countries. It: (1) contribute to the...

Five-Year Evaluation of the Programs of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development (ICHRDD)

- Projet

Using an organizational assessment model, Universalia undertook an assessment of ICHRDD and its programs including interviews with more than 60 people from 48 organizations in 25 countries. The review included two case studies on ICHRDD’s Women’s...

Framework Agreement on the Performance of Meta-Evaluations, Syntheses, Reviews, Pre-Reviews, and Peer Reviews of Evaluations

- Projet

Within a framework arrangement of two years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland contracted Universalia to conduct the following tasks: i) meta-evaluations and syntheses of decentralized evaluation reports, which may constitute of appraisals (ex...

Evaluation of the Mision de Apoyo al Proceso de Paz (MAPP/OEA) in Colombia

- Projet

The objective of the Evaluation of the Mision de Apoyo al Proceso de Paz in Colombia of the Organization of the North American states was to provide a summative and a formative evaluation of the MAPP/OEA since its inception, with a particular emphasis...

External Mid-Term Evaluation of Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) for FY11-12

- Projet

Le Programme Eau et Assainissement est un partenariat international visant à fournir un accès accru à l'eau potable et à l'assainissement pour les populations pauvres vivant dans les zones rurales et urbaines à travers le monde.
