Résultats de la recherche

Universalia a obtenu un nouveau contrat pour fournir un accompagnement en suivi et évaluation (SÉ) au siège social de Plan International

- Actualité

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer qu’Universalia a obtenu un nouveau contrat pour fournir un accompagnement en suivi et évaluation (SÉ) au siège social de Plan International....

Universalia est fière de vous présenter son nouveau site internet

- Actualité

Universalia est fière de vous présenter son nouveau site internet. Nous avons, notamment, modifié la présentation visuelle et ajouté quelques fonctionnalités dont les principaux médias sociaux. Bonne navigation!

Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) Network Evaluation

- Projet

GDPRD is a joint donors’ initiative aiming to foster donor coordination and to contribute to improving aid effectiveness in the rural sector. Platform members contracted Universalia to review and assess the Platform’s effectiveness, efficiency and...

Mid-Term Evaluation of the Togo Pilot Social Trust Fund

- Projet

Universalia was mandated by the WBI to conduct a mid-term review of the US$5 million Social Funds Program in Togo. The evaluation questions included the effectiveness of the fund to reach targeted populations, support grassroots projects, involving...

IUCN World Conservation Congress, Amman

- Projet

Extensive data was gathered for the evaluation from a variety of sources – including 150 participant interviews, 305 participant questionnaires, 579 interactive session questionnaires, interviews with 21 old and new Councillors and 12 senior IUCN...

Results-Based Monitoring of the Social Policy Reform in Transition Economies (SPRITE)

- Projet

The Social Policy Reform in Transition Economies (SPRITE) training program was designed to build institutional capacity for analyzing social issues and implementing sustainable reforms in transition economies. Universalia co-lead a team of consultants...

Organizational Audit of the Ministry of Education of Niger

- Projet

As part of the ten-year educational plan of the Ministry of Education of Niger, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Government of Niger contracted Universalia to conduct an organizational audit of the Ministry of Education,...

Guyana Public Sector Modernization Design Project

- Projet

In partnership with The Governance Network of Ottawa, Canada, a forward-looking organizational performance review of the 22 ministries of the Government of Guyana was conducted that featured the system-wide usage of Universalia’s Institutional and...

Assessment of the Scholars and Artists in Non-Campus Countries (NCCs) Program

- Projet

The CDB-funded program provides residents, students, artists and scholars with access to mentors, counterparts and possible collaborators, while facilitating research relevant to CDB countries, and stimulates intellectual, creative and artistic activity...

South Asia Regional People and Policy Project (SARPPP) Monitoring/Technical Advisory Services

- Projet

Universalia undertook a multi-year monitoring assignment of the CIDA South Asian Regional People and Policy Program, a multi-faceted program focused on strengthening the role of civil society organizations, enhancing women’s roles in local governance,...
