We are pleased to announce that a consortium led by Universalia, which includes Itad and R4D, has completed the third and final year of country-level evaluations for the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).
As part of this mandate, which spanned the period 2017-2020, we designed summative and prospective country-level evaluations in line with GPE’s 2016-2020 Strategy, implementing these evaluations in 28 countries in Africa, the Caribbean, Central Asia and Southeast Asia.
These evaluations assessed the effectiveness of GPE’s operational model in supporting its partner countries to strengthen their education systems, and achieve results in learning, equity and inclusion. During this period, Universalia also completed a desk-study and final evaluation report focusing specifically on GPE’s support to sector plan development in its partner countries.
The Final Synthesis Report can be found here: https://www.globalpartnership.org/content/country-level-evaluations-final-synthesis-report-volume-1
Specific summative and prospective country-level evaluation reports can be accessed here: https://www.globalpartnership.org/results/monitoring-evaluation
Congratulations to our colleagues at Universalia, Itad and R4D, for having completed this evaluation!