Organization and Partnership Performance Practice at Universalia
The Organization and Partnership Performance Practice (OPP) practice builds on Universalia’s work on Institutional and Organizational Assessment (IOA) to include the evaluation of a wider range of organizational structures. This includes networks and partnerships, given the importance of such structures in the development architecture and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Universalia’s OPP projects operate on the principle that evaluation should serve to help organizations meet their goals with available resources while ensuring sustainability over the long term. “Good performance” means the organizations’ work is done effectively, efficiently and remains relevant to the stakeholders.
When expanded to partnerships, the evaluation of relational structures is integrated into the assessment process and addresses issues such as organizations’ capacity to partner, their level of integration, and their ability to learn and adapt. The OPP practice works with a diversity of actors (The Gates Foundation, GPE, UNAIDS, WFP, The MasterCard Foundation, UNDP, UNICEF, ADEA, IUCN, etc.) and delivers high-quality reports that combine innovation and expertise.
Services we provide within this practice area include:
- Support for theory of change development
- Formative and summative evaluations
- Institutional and organizational assessment
- Partnership assessment
- Strategic advising
- Research and support
- Organizational change facilitation
- Creation of knowledge products
- Strengthening of learning systems
- Evaluation capacity development
- Training and technical assistance
- Process Design, Dialogue and Facilitation
Relevant examples of projects:
- Program Review of the Gates Foundation Multilateral Partnership Team
- Independent Evaluation of the Joint Partnership between UNAIDS & The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
- UNDP Evaluation Diagnostic Guidance for the SDGs
- Independent Evaluation of UNICEF Nigeria Training Investments
- Evaluation of the WFP Corporate Partnership Strategy (2014-2017)
- Mid-Term Review of the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program Learning Partnership
- Evaluation of the OAS/CIDA Cooperation Plan 2012-2015
- Evaluation of DFATDs Partners for Development Program
- Independent Interim Evaluation of the Global Partnership for Education
Contact us
For more information, please contact Ms. Katrina Rojas, Senior Consultant and Practice Leader.