Universalia Charles Lusthaus Scholarship

Since 2019, Universalia has partnered with the Canadian Evaluation Society Educational Fund (CESEF) to support a designated scholarship in honour of Universalia's founder Charles Lusthaus.

The scholarship aims to facilitate access to education among graduate students who wish to pursue a career in the field of program evaluation. 

For more information on the scholarship, as well as those interested donors, please visit : Canadian Evaluation Society Educational Fund 






5-Year Anniversary Event

On September 12th, 2024, Universalia and CESEF celebrated the 5-year anniversary of the Universalia Charles Lusthaus Scholarship with a special virtual event. The occasion featured insightful presentations from three scholarship recipients, each sharing their unique evaluation journey supported by the scholarship. The presentations highlighted their innovative methodologies and approaches, key research findings, and offered valuable insights into how the scholarship has contributed to their academic growth and professional development. You can explore their presentations through the links below:

See below for the list of all previous recipients of the Charles Lusthaus Scholarship.

Katy Pollock
Yasser Ismail
Sarah Sousa
Andrew Hartman
Deanne Donohue