Quality Assurance (QA) Practice at Universalia
The QA practice builds on Universalia’s thematic expertise across a wide range of sectors, its research credentials, and longstanding core area of work in evaluation to support organizations/institutions in improving the quality of their research and evaluations. In close collaboration with clients, QA practice teams develop quantitative and qualitative assessment tools tailored to various types of research and evaluation products, e.g., terms of reference, inception reports, and draft/final reports. Quality assessments covering specific timeframes are aggregated to highlight trends in quality, good practices, and areas for improvement.
Services we provide within this practice area include:
- Quality Assessment/Assurance of Evaluation and Research Products
- Development of Quality Assessment Tools and Processes
- Meta-analysis of Quality Assessments
Recent examples of projects include:
- External Post Assessment (EPA) Services for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
- Independent Quality Appraisal of International Labour Organization (ILO) Project Evaluations
- Post Hoc Quality Assessment (PHQA) Services for Centralized and Decentralized Evaluations for World Food Programme (WFP)
- Quality Assurance Review Services for United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
- Quality Assessment of a Sample of Evaluation Products for the African Development Bank (AfDB)
- Third Party Quality Assurance (TPQA) for Climate Adaptation Resilience (CARE) in South Asia Project implemented by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC)
Contact us
For more information, please contact Ms. Anne-Marie Dawson or Ms. Drina Therrien.