Universalia has recently completed WFP’s Thematic Evaluation of Cooperating Partnerships in the Eastern Africa Region (2016-2020)! This decentralized evaluation was commissioned by the WFP Regional Bureau for Eastern Africa in Nairobi (RBN) and focuses on its partnerships with international and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations and National Red Cross/Crescent Societies in nine country offices supported by RBN: Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda.
Starting in 2016, WFP embarked on a process of institutional reform to reorient the organization’s strategic objectives and programmatic and administrative mechanisms for cooperating partnerships. The evaluation focused on this shift, notably on the extent to which WFP is achieving its objectives of: (i) enhancing strategic engagement of NGOs; (ii) developing more streamlined business processes for management of cooperating partnerships; (iii) increasing its focus on capacity strengthening of its partners; (iv) and increasing the prioritization of women’s organizations, GEWE-mandated organizations and GEWE-related capacity standards.
The evaluation aimed at informing WFP’s regional cooperating partnership strategy to meet its localization and Grand Bargain commitments; develop a better understanding of cooperating partnerships across the region; enable RBN to initiate a strategic dialogue around cooperating partnerships with country offices during second-generation Country Strategic Plan (CSP) design; and inform RBN’s gender-transformative approach to cooperating partnerships.
See this link for the full evaluation report.
Congratulations to colleagues involved!