Organizational Review of the Ministry of National Resources and the Environment (MNRE) of Belize

Project ID: 



Inter-American Development Bank
Featured services: 
Strategic Management
January, 1999

The Ministry of National Resources and the Environment (MNRE) is a key agency in the public administration structure of Belize, responsible for management of the country’s vital natural resources. Universalia supported the transformation of MNRE into an effective, efficient organization accountable for the sustainable development of Belize. The review included assessments of the Ministry’s own diagnosis and proposed organizational structure, an assessment of the operations of inter-ministerial authorities/committees, and a review and recommendations on MNRE’s strategic planning processes. We assisted in defining the need for collective agreements and in finalizing draft policy documents and procedural manuals. The final report to MNRE and IDB included specific recommendations on how to move forward the institutional change process.

Release Date: 
January, 1999

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