Starting in 2016, WFP embarked on a process of institutional reform to reorient the organization’s strategic objectives and programmatic and administrative mechanisms for cooperating partnerships in response to the Grand Bargain localization commitments, the shift towards country-level and multi-...
The WFP's People Strategy, which was first approved in 2014, stands as the organization's "blueprint" for reinforcing, retaining and recruitment of its workforce. At the heart of this is the aim of creating a more people-centred WFP which focuses on the welfare and development of its employees with...
The evaluation of integrated school canteen programs funded by the Embassy of the Netherlands and the European Union and implemented by the office of the World Food Program, for the period 2017-2018, was a summative evaluation aiming to identify weaknesses, strengths and lessons learned from...
The Final evaluation of the SNR aimed at providing summative evaluation on program performance by assessing the relevance and effectiveness of the program. Specific objectives were to analyze program implementation, examine program outputs, outcomes and overall results in support of the targeted...
The TDRP is financed by a $30.8 million multi donor trust fund (MDTF), to which there are seven different donor contributions, the largest of which is 72 percent contributed by the AfDB. The TDRP is a four-year program (2009-2013) with the following objectives: Provide technical support for the...
Universalia was contracted to carry out the evaluation of UNIFEM’s partnerships with regional organizations. This is a corporate evaluation and is undertaken as part of the 2008 evaluation plan of the Evaluation Unit. Given the recent growth in partnerships with regional organizations, this...
Under two contracts, Universalia conducted first a context and readiness assessment for results-based management within the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), and then assisted NBI in creating a results-based system. This assignment involved assisting NBI in developing an LFA for the overall initiative,...