Thematic Evaluation on the Contribution of UN Women to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls and Expand Access to Services by Universalia (2013) Mettre fin à la guerre, construire la paix by Yvan Conoir (2012) UNIFEM's Partnerships with Regional Organizations to Advance Gender Equality by Universalia (2010) United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence Against Women by Universalia (2010) Evaluation of the World Bank Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) by Universalia (2010) Assessment of UNICEF Bangladesh Approach to Leveraging by Universalia (2010) Evaluation of the Barcelona World Conservation Congress by Universalia (2009) Five-year Review of Rights and Democracy (Programs and Activities) by Universalia (2008) Evaluation Report UNIFEM Programme Facilitating CEDAW Implementation in Southeast Asia (CEDAW SEAP) by Universalia (2008) Evaluation of the Policy and Human Resources Development Trust Fund by Universalia (2008) Pages « premier ‹ précédent 1 2 3 suivant › dernier »