Collecting Data World-Wide for the Evaluation of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE)

As part of the ongoing evaluation of the Global Partnership for Education, Universalia and its partner organization Results for Development Institute (R4D) ( are conducting field missions and “virtual” (telephone) field missions in 18 of the GPE’s member countries. Dr. Anette Wenderoth and Mia Choinière from Universalia, along with Mark Roland from R4D, recently conducted the first field mission in Tanzania, along with Mme Beatrice Omari, who was a wonderful addition to the team. The evaluation team met with government representatives, civil society organizations and donor representatives from both the mainland and Zanzibar, which as a semi-autonomous region of Tanzania manages its own GPE grant.

Other data collection trips will take place over the next few weeks with Universalia consultants traveling to Vietnam, Ethiopia, Senegal, and Nicaragua.