Final Report on Independent Evaluation of the GCF’s Result Area “Health and Wellbeing, and Food and Water Security” (HWFW)

In 2024, Universalia supported the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in completing a comprehensive evaluation of the “Health and Wellbeing, and Food and Water Security” (HWFW) Result Area (RA).  This evaluation assessed the actual and likely achievements of the HWFW RA-tagged GCF investments and key factors that enable or hinder the achievement of results. It examined the value of the Fund’s overall RA approach and investments through a close examination of the HWFW RA itself. The evaluation included 6 country case studies covering: Fiji, Grenada, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Namibia, Senegal and Tajikistan.

The final report is available in its entirety here.

Case studies from this evaluation are available here.