IDEAS, the International Development Evaluation Association, has just issued its latest publication, edited by Rob D. van den Berg, Cristina Magro and our colleague Marie-Hélène Adrien.
The volume, titled Transformational Evaluation for the Global Crises of Our Times, is the sixth book following and building on a successful IDEAS Global Assembly (Prague 2019). It brings highly interesting perspectives on trajectories towards supporting transformation aimed at solving the global crises of our times. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the enormous challenges humanity is facing, facilitated by other crises as climate change, biodiversity loss, economic exploitation, and increased inequity and inequality. The Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement call for transformational change of our societies, our economies and our interaction with the environment.
Evaluation is tasked to bring rigorous evidence to support transformation at all levels, from local to global. This book explores how the future of the evaluation profession can take shape in 18 chapters from authors from all over the world, from North and South, East and West, and from Indigenous and Decolonized voices to integrative perspectives for a truly sustainable future.
Our colleagues Kenza Bennani and Marie-Hélène Adrien have co-authored one of the 18 chapters, along with EvalYouth LAC leader Gerardo Sánchez-Romero. They explore avenues that Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) can follow to become involved in transformational evaluation. They use the concept of ‘professional identity work’ to present a framework that defines and differentiates the various types of evaluator identities that YEEs could explore through formal employment engagement or involvement with voluntary organizations for professional evaluation and YEE networks. They posit that, in the coming decade, VOPEs and YEE networks could be considered as ‘identity workspaces’ that support YEEs in discovering, understanding and shaping who they are and can become in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals – as transformational evaluators in the making.
Download the book on the IDEAS website : https://ideas-global.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2021-IDEAS-book-Transformational-Evaluation.pdf
Buy and support IDEAS publications with print on demand at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1916898203