Universalia’s Jill Anne Chouinard and Brad Cousins (University of Ottawa) had a successful launch of their new book

Universalia’s Jill Anne Chouinard and Brad Cousins (University of Ottawa) had a successful launch on May 23, 2012 of their new book, Participatory Evaluation Up Close: An Integration of Research-Based Knowledge (Information Age Publishing).

The following brief description provides a mere sample of what the book covers:
Empiricism provides the backbone of knowledge creation within social science disciplines (e.g., psychology, sociology) and applied domains of study (e.g., education, administration) alike. Yet, relative to such domains of inquiry, comparatively little empirical research on evaluation has occurred, and the research knowledge base been infrequently synthesized and integrated to influence theory and practice. The proposed book aims to fill this void with regard to participatory evaluation, a set of collaborative approaches to evaluation that is receiving considerable attention of late, including a growing body of empirical studies.