
April 2012
Universalia has once again qualified with the Ontario Ministry of Education Vendor of Record (VoR) list. Our firm will be entitled to offer education evaluation services to the Ministry over the next three years.
February 2012
Building on the success of ISID’s initial Executive Education Certificate Course held in Montreal in October 2011, ISID is pleased to announce that they are now accepting registrants for their second course, to be held in Vancouver BC from June 18-21, 2012. Full details on programs goals, pricing an...
January 2012
Universalia is proud to announce the following new mandates in our Canadian practice:

Universalia is doing an evaluation of the Official Languages Law Section, of the department of Justice Canada, in its role under the Roadmap for Canada’s Linguistic Duality 2008-2013.

Universalia is doing an...

November 2011
A Universalia team will perform summative evaluation of the accountability framework and coordination of the Roadmap for Linguistic Duality in Canada 2008-2013 - Ministry of Justice component.
November 2011
For the second year in a row, Universalia participated in the World Bank Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) Week. The Universalia team attending included Dr. Marie-Hélène, Dr. Monica Trevino, and Mr. Rudy Broers.

During the panel organized by IEG on the World Bank’s interest in Global and Regiona...

October 2011
Evaluation Week, now in its fifth year, is designed to increase awareness of the Independent Evaluation Group's work and products, and to share knowledge on how broader evaluation practices at the World Bank Group can be useful, for a variety of development audiences.

The week includes learning e...

August 2011
Universalia is pleased to announce that they have been selected by UN Women to conduct an evaluation of three catalytic projects in domestic and informal work. The evaluation will entail field missions to Egypt, Cameroon, and the Philippines.
August 2011
Universalia has been awarded a consultancy to provide support to the World Bank to develop and implement a pilot survey instrument to collect data on youth issues in various Caribbean countries, especially on risk factors that affect youth behavioural outcomes.

The data that this consultancy is t...

July 2011
Universalia is pleased to announce that we have been selected by the World Bank to conduct an evaluation of CGAP-the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor.
CGAP is an independent policy and research center dedicated to advancing financial access for the world's poor. It is supported by over 30...
June 2011
McGill University has launched a new executive education certificate program, International Development: Bridging the Worlds of Theory, Policy and Practice at the University’s Institute for the Study for International Development. It is a four day program (October 17-20) designed for those that have...
