July 2021
IDEAS, the International Development Evaluation Association, has just issued its latest publication, edited by Rob D. van den Berg, Cristina Magro and our colleague Marie-Hélène Adrien.
The volume, titled Transformational Evaluation for the Global Crises of Our Times, is the sixth boo...
The volume, titled Transformational Evaluation for the Global Crises of Our Times, is the sixth boo...
July 2021
Our colleagues Elizabeth Dyke, Sophie Pénicaud, Anne-Marie Dawson, and Oresto Munishi, along with Jennifer Hatchard and Chowdhury Jalal for Nutrition International, recently published an article titled: Girl-Powered Nutrition Program: Key Themes from a Formative Evaluation of a Nutrition Prog...
July 2021
Despite its many unprecedented challenges, 2020 was a busy and productive year for the Environment, Security and Conflict Transformation (EnSeCT) Practice of Universalia.
Working with a broad range of clients, the Practice contributed to advancing essential work in the fields of environmental gover...
Working with a broad range of clients, the Practice contributed to advancing essential work in the fields of environmental gover...
July 2021
Universalia is extremely pleased that the second Universalia Charles Lusthaus Scholarship has been awarded by the Canadian Evaluation Society Educational Fund (CESEF). Created in 2019, the scholarship aims to facilitate access to education among graduate students who wish to pursue a career in...
May 2021
Universalia is proud to support the 2021 Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) Conference as one of the conference’s sponsors. The theme of this year’s CES Conference is, “Evaluation Utilization: Achieving Our Potential?” Utilization-focused evaluations are central to Universalia...
March 2021
Universalia is pleased to announce the completion of the Country Programme Evaluation for UNICEF in Comoros!
The evaluation was carried out between February 2020 and January 2021, and covered the programme’s three main components of child survival and development, education, and protection an...
The evaluation was carried out between February 2020 and January 2021, and covered the programme’s three main components of child survival and development, education, and protection an...
March 2021
Today, in celebration of International Women’s Day, we are happy to announce that Universalia has established a new practice on Gender Equality and Inclusion. This new practice aims to advance gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls, and social inclusion with an intersectional lens...
January 2021
How should advocates and funders approach advocacy when the change being proposed is particularly sensitive?
Universalia has in recent years conducted several evaluations of civil society advocacy programs, including of organizations working on highly sensitive issues. Based on...
Universalia has in recent years conducted several evaluations of civil society advocacy programs, including of organizations working on highly sensitive issues. Based on...
December 2020
As we come to the close of a difficult year, we learned about the loss of two dear colleagues in our evaluation community in Canada, who have given so generously not only to the work of evaluators in Canada, but around the globe. Our condolences go out to the families and friends of John Mayne...
December 2020
Our colleagues Luc Franche, Juan-David Gonzales and Sophie Pénicaud recently produced a Think Piece for the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Evaluation Office (EVAL). Entitled: "Quality assessments of ILO decentralized evaluations: Key results of the qu...