B.Sc. Chemistry, Dalhousie University, 2018
Ms. Drina Therrien completes a broad variety of administrative tasks for the CEO and corporate administrative team along with providing a diverse range of project, logistical and administrative support and management to the Quality Assurance practice at Universalia. Ms. Therrien is a highly motivated, organized, and efficient worker. After obtaining her Bachelor of Science from Dalhousie University, Ms. Therrien joined Universalia to apply her analytic, communication, and organizational skills. With her previous experience in academics and administration, she consistently brings strong technical and interpersonal capacities to the team to ensure the reliable delivery of high-quality products.
In addition to fulfilling key technical responsibilities. Ms. Therrien delivers essential project management support from project onset to completion to maintain timelines and budgets, whilst also managing team member responsibilities to enable a collaborative, effective and integrated approach.