Peace Building and Humanitarian Operations Practice at Universalia
This practice undertakes evaluation of peacebuilding projects that are designed to prevent the resumption of violent conflict or the consolidation of peace in a post-conflict setting, as well as the evaluation of humanitarian programmes undertaken by major humanitarian organizations such as UNHCR, UNICEF, OCHA and others. Peacebuilding projects can be varied, such as creating an environment supportive of durable peace, addressing underlying dynamics that foster or enable conflict, creating rule of law mechanisms, implementing DDR, transitional justice or reconciliation mechanisms, etc. Humanitarian evaluations are using the new Humanitarian Action Evaluation principles and concentrate on major contemporary humanitarian crisis (such as Haiyan or the Syrian refugees crisis) and actors (OCHA, UNHCR, UNICEF, CIDA, etc.)
Services we provide within this practice area include:
- Programme Evaluations in Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Operations and Policies
- Training in Humanitarian Evaluation
- Methodological support for the evaluation of Peace, Humanitarian and Security programmes
- Capacity building of international actors in the Peacebuilding and Humanitarian sectors
Recent examples of projects include:
United Nations
- UNHCR - Evaluation of UNHCR Country Programme Evaluation (2014-2016)
- UNHCR - Evaluation of UNHCR's Emergency Response to the influx of refugees from Syria to Turkey (2015-2016)
- UNESCO - Evaluation of Phase I of King Abdulaziz International Progamme for a Culture of Peace and Dialogue (2015/2016)
- UNESCO - Empowering Local Radios with ICTs (2013)
- OCHA ROWCA - Evaluation of the Sahel Humanitarian Strategic Response Plan (SRP, 2015)
- OCHA - Evaluation of OCHA's Emergency Response Fund (ERF) Mechanism (2012)
- OCHA - Evaluation of OCHA's role in Humanitarian Civil-military Coordination (2012)
- UNICEF - Regional Training on Evaluation of Humanitarian Action (EHA), Paama, 2015
- UNICEF - Real Time Evaluation of UNICEF's Humanitarian Response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines (2013)
- PNUD - Évaluation finale de la Stratégie nationale de réintégration du Burundi (SNR, 2015)
- PNUD - Multi Country Evaluation of Reintegration Programmes (DDR), 2013
- UNDP and Peacebuilding Fund:
- Conception of the Deuxième Phase du Plan Prioritaire de Consolidation de la paix in Côte d'Ivoire (2014)
- Mid-Term Evaluation of the Plan prioritaire pour la consolidation de la paix in Côte d'Ivoire (2013/2014)
- DPKO /UNV - Joint Evaluation of the Cooperation between UNV and DFS, 2010
World Bank
- Evaluation of the Haiti Reconstruction Fund (2015)
- Second Annual Independent Evaluation of the Second Emergency Demobilisation and Reintegration Project (SEDRP) in Rwanda (2014)
- Evaluation (Years 1 and 2) of the Programme de Démobilisation et Réintégration Transitoire (PDRT in Burundi), 2011 et 2012
- Final Evaluation of the Programme National de DDR in DRC (2012)
- Mid Term Review of the Transitional Demobilization Reintegration Programme (2012)
Regional Organizations
- EU (IfP/EEAS) - Final evaluation of European Resources for Mediation Support (ERMES I and II) (2017)
- EU - Conceptualization of a Manual of Results and Impact Indicators related to IcSP Peacebuilding (Instrument contributing to Security and Peace, 2015-2016)
- EU - Capacity Building of the Commission for International Justice and Accountability (CIJA)
- EU - Capacity building and methodological support to the Instrument for Stability in Niger (2014)
- OAS - Final Evaluation of the Mission d'Appui aux Processus de Paix (MAPP/OEA) (2013)
Confédération helvétique
- Evaluation of the Swiss Country Strategy in Haiti (2015-2016)
- Evaluation of the Swiss Country Strategy in Afghanistan (2017-2018)
- Evaluation of the Swiss Protection of Civilians Strategy (2017)
- Evaluation of the Partnership between Switzerland and Small Arms Survey (SAS)(2017)
- Government of Canada - Canadian Red Cross Strategic Partnership to Enhance Humanitarian Assistance (2017-2018)
- USAID/UK Aid et Irish Aid - Final Evaluation of the Humanitarian Evaluation and Learning Project (HELP) in Haïti and Mali (2015)
- CIDA/ECORYS - Summative Evaluation of the Afghanistan CIDA Program - 2004-2013 (2013)
- Strategic Review of the Portfolio of the Stabilization and Reconstruction Task Force (STAR): Colombia, Ecuador, Haiti (2008/2009)
- Evaluation of the Convention between the MAEE and the French Humanitarian Think Tank Groupe URD (Urgence, Réhabilitation, Développement, 2009 and 2012
- Search For Common Ground (SFCG) - Final Evaluations of the - "Appuyer une couverture médiatique apaisée des enjeux électoraux au Burundi "Programme (2015)
- Search For Common Ground (SFCG) - Final Evaluations of the - Radio Peacebuilding in Africa Programme (2013)
Oxfam Québec
- Preparation of the 5 years Volunteers Programe
- CAWTAR - Center for Arab Women for Training and Research - Institutional Diagnostic and Strategic Planning (2012)
Contact us
For more information, please contact Mr. Hussein Amery, Senior Consultant and Practice Leader. E-mail: Phone: 514.485.3565 ext. 245