- Humanitarian assistance
- Turkey
Universalia, in partnership with Landell Mills International, has been contracted to deliver an independent evaluation that intends to provide a strategic assessment of the coherence of existing handover modalities and a structured and comprehensive retrospective assessment of DG ECHO funded operations in order to inform DG ECHO (HQ, regional and country level), the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), the Steering Committee and the Secretariat of the Facility, national stakeholders, the participating implementing partners (both international and national), and other humanitarian and development donors and agencies.
This external, impartial and independent evaluation was executed so as to provide an evidence-based judgment of the extent to which the humanitarian actions under the Facility have been effective and efficient; relevant given the needs of the refugee population and its objectives; coherent both internally and with other EU instruments, donors and regional interventions (i.e. R3P); and achieved EU added-value. In addition, as per the TOR, the evaluation also examined the sustainability and connectedness of the Facility.