Formative Evaluation of the Volunteer Cooperation Program (VCP)

Project ID: 



Global Affairs Canada
Eric Abitbol, PhD
Featured services: 
Monitoring and Evaluation
January, 2018 to September, 2018

The Volunteer Cooperation Program (VCP) 2015-2020 is the current vehicle by which Global Affairs Canada (GAC ) is financially supporting 12 volunteer-sending projects being implemented by Canadian volunteer cooperation agencies (VCAs) in collaboration with their local partners. Its overall target is poverty-reduction and enhanced social and economic well-being of marginalized people. The thematic foci of VCA projects are varied and include economic/social empowerment, capacity building, institutional-strengthening, protection of human rights, and different technical skills, as well as the three cross cutting themes – gender equality, environmental sustainability and governance. The Universalia consultant, contracted through the consortium of Project Services International and Plan: Net Limited, participated as the Environment Specialist in a formative evaluation of GAC’s VCP. The evaluation assessed the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and sustainability of the VCP, and provided findings, conclusions, recommendations and lessons to inform implementation of the current program and future program design. The evaluation team adopted a utilization focused approach that placed a premium on maximizing the practical value of the evaluation to Canadian and developing country stakeholders. The team collected quantitative and qualitative data using “mixed-methods” that included: document review; four country studies (Ghana, Honduras, Peru and Senegal) utilizing key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs); desk-based KIIs and FGDs; and two electronic surveys.

Release Date: 
January, 2018

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