- Governance, Partnerships and Organizational Development
To help meet ILO’s evaluation policy and strategy standards, the Evaluation Office at ILO (EVAL) mandated Universalia to appraise the quality of the independent evaluation reports submitted to EVAL between 2017 and 2019. The main purpose of the mandate was to provide a cumulative analysis of the evaluations submitted during the last two years, assessing trends and comparisons with previous quality appraisals, and provide recommendations to EVAL. Universalia conducted a thorough review of the QA system to ensure that the propositions that emerged from the system are valid and reliable. Once the QA system was thoroughly reviewed, the consultants reviewed a sample of 50 reports that had already been approved by EVAL during 2017-18. Additionally, Universalia rated the Evaluation Performance Indicator contained in the UNEG scorecard in compliance with the instructions found in the UN-SWAP-GEEW Technical Notes.