GEF Study of M&E in FCV Contexts: Toward a Measurement Agenda

Project ID: 


World Bank
Eric Abitbol, PhD
Aurélie Ieroncig
Dr Amanda Woomer
Featured services: 
Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Studies
March, 2023 to February, 2024

The Global Environment Facility’s (GEF) Independent Evaluation Office is undertaking several evaluations, reviews, and studies in preparation for the up-coming Eighth Comprehensive Evaluation of the GEF (OPS8), which will be a key input to the GEF-9 replenishment negotiations. Based on the GEF’s strategic orientation toward addressing the key drivers of environmental degradation – including expanding conflict considerations in and the conflict sensitivity of its projects – this study seeks to 1) explore and identify ways in which the GEF and other actors are advancing their environment work and corresponding monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in FCV contexts, and 2) develop an initial evidence base and measurement agenda that encourages the incorporation of conflict sensitivity into the design and implementation of GEF-supported projects.

Universalia will conduct the study of Monitoring and Evaluation of GEF Activities in FCV Context from March 2023 to February 2024, building on the Evaluation of GEF Support in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations. Universalia will deliver the following outputs:

  • An inception report and study framework. Develop a framework and approach to answer the key questions of the study.
  • Conduct document review and interviews. The review will entail interviews of the GEF and Agency staff; a desk review of GEF and Agency documentation; and a review of the guidance by other organizations.
  • Case study vignettes for six GEF projects.
  • The organization of a workshop for validation of the findings.
  • A draft report to be shared with the GEF IEO and other stakeholders for feedback. 
  • Final report with revisions based on inputs received from the GEF IEO and other stakeholders. The final report should ideally be 25-40 pages long in terms of main narrative, excluding annexes. 
Release Date: 
February, 2024

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