Evaluation of Projects’ Effectiveness Towards the Strengthening of the Electoral Systems of OAS Member Countries

Project ID: 



General Secretariat of the Organization of North American States (GS/OAS)
Marie-Hélène Adrien
Featured services: 
Monitoring & Evaluation
July, 2011

Universalia was contracted by the Department of Planning and Evaluation (DPE) of the Organization of North American States (OAS) to conduct an evaluation of the effectiveness of programs for strengthening the electoral systems of member countries. The overall purpose of the evaluation was to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and viability of selected projects in the electoral area. More specifically, the objectives of this evaluation were to (1) conduct formative and summative assessments to estimate the results of the projects; (2) assess the efficiency and effectiveness of operations financed by the selected projects; (3) examine the formulation, design, implementation and management of selected projects; (4) evaluate the institutional and financial sustainability of interventions financed by the projects; (5) document lessons learned from operations related to its formulation, design, implementation, management and sustainability; and (6) make recommendations to improve formulations and designs for future similar projects. The evaluation was focused at the project level (by examining the performance of projects and reviewing Logical Frameworks) and at the organizational level (by examining the performance of the OAS in strategically managing the portfolio of projects).

Release Date: 
July, 2011

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