Mid-Term Evaluation of the Sustainable Urban and Regional Development (SURGE) Umbrella Program

Project ID: 



World Bank
Eric Abitbol, PhD
Katrina Rojas
Zachariah Su
Maria Fustic
Pascaline Gaborit
Dr Julio Abel Calderón Cockburn
Roberto Daza
Featured services: 
Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Studies
August, 2023 to April, 2024

The objectives of the evaluation are to review progress and initial results and impacts of the SURGE Umbrella Program’s global Urban Analytics & Technical Assistance Program, and three country programs for Bolivia, Peru and Serbia, against the SURGE Umbrella development objectives and relevant pillar objectives. Furthermore, this Mid-Term Evaluation collected and consolidated lessons learned that can benefit the SURGE Program moving forward, examining aspects of additionality from SURGE funded activities that influence or inform World Bank operational projects (or other non-WB projects) and/or contribute to analytical work, as well as in developing partnerships within and outside the World Bank.

Universalia carried out an external mid-term evaluation of the SURGE program parts which include the global UA&TA program (9 countries activities and 3 global deep dive studies) and three of the country programs (Peru, Serbia and Bolivia TFs). The deliverables of this project include the Inception Report, the Draft Report and a Final Report.

Release Date: 
April, 2024

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