Organizational Diagnostic of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL)

Project ID: 



SE4LL (Sustainable Energie For All)
Charles Lusthaus
Katrina Rojas
Featured services: 
Institutional and Organizational Performance Assessment
June, 2016

Sustainable Energy four All is a global multi-stakeholder initiative that promotes and supports new collaborative approaches for governments, business and civil society to work together towards achieving sustainable energy for all by 2030. SE4All comprises objectives of improving access to sustainable energy, promoting energy efficiency, and increasing proportion of renewable energy sources. The purpose of this organizational diagnosis was to support the evolution of SE4ALL design and performance by engaging in a retrospective review of what has worked and what has not worked and suggest the factors that have contributed to the present level of organizational and programmatic performance.  In addition, the evaluation provided formative data to support the strategic exercise presently being conducted by SE4ALL, which includes suggested pathways to future goals and their monitoring and evaluation.

Release Date: 
June, 2016

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