Projects Worldwide



Since its inception in 2008, the State and Peacebuilding Fund (SPF 1.0) reached 66 countries to cover all seven World Bank geographic regions and Global activities, financing more than US$327 million through 286 grants and 11 transfers to single-country multi-donor trust funds (MDTFs). SPF 1.0 is a...
Following the 22 years of dictatorship by President Yahya Abdul-Aziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh, the Secretary General’s Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) acted as one of the first responders in The Gambia to support a peaceful transition in the country. Between 2017 and 2022, the PBF provided a total investment...
The Global Environment Facility’s (GEF) Independent Evaluation Office is undertaking several evaluations, reviews, and studies in preparation for the up-coming Eighth Comprehensive Evaluation of the GEF (OPS8), which will be a key input to the GEF-9 replenishment negotiations. Based on the GEF’s...
As the Geneva Dialogue on Environment, Climate, Conflict, and Peace (ECCP) completed its third year of work, ECCP sought to carry out a stock-taking of the community’s objectives, accomplishments, and significance for its members. Universalia’s Amanda Woomer (Consultant) accompanied the Geneva...
In line with its global strategic shift, in 2017, WFP began transitioning from project-based planning to country strategy planning to consolidate its portfolio and achieve a more integrated and coherent approach across interventions through the development of the Jan 2018 – Jun 2019 Transitional...
The IASC Gender Standby Capacity Project (GenCap), an interagency initiative created in 2007, seeks to facilitate and strengthen capacity and leadership of humanitarians to undertake and promote gender equality programming to ensure the distinct needs of women, girls, boys and men of all ages are...
In line with its National Disaster Management Plan, the Government of Pakistan requested WFP’s support to build a network of warehouses at strategic locations across the country. Over the past decade, WFP has constructed a total of 8 Humanitarian Response Facilities (HRFs). The specific objectives...
Starting in 2016, WFP embarked on a process of institutional reform to reorient the organization’s strategic objectives and programmatic and administrative mechanisms for cooperating partnerships in response to the Grand Bargain localization commitments, the shift towards country-level and multi-...
Global Affair Canada’s (GAC) Volunteer Cooperation Program (VCP) aims to contribute to the economic and/or social well-being of the poorest, most marginalized and vulnerable people, particularly women and girls, in developing countries. The VCP supports Canadian organizations in sending a broad...
Universalia assesses the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of UNFPA support to gender equality and women's
empowerment (GEWE) across development and humanitarian settings (including the COVID-19 pandemic) over three strategic periods.
The evaluation also assesses the extent...
