Search results

Results-Based Monitoring of the Social Policy Reform in Transition Economies (SPRITE)

- Project

The Social Policy Reform in Transition Economies (SPRITE) training program was designed to build institutional capacity for analyzing social issues and implementing sustainable reforms in transition economies. Universalia co-lead a team of consultants...

Review of Five Regional Health Institutions (RHIs)

- Project

The objective of this assignment was to evaluate the performance and relevance of five Regional Health Institutes (Caribbean Epidemiology Center, Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute, Caribbean Health Research Council, Caribbean Regional Drug Testing...

Review of Research on Immigration in the Official Language Minority Communities – Canada

- Project

In 2011, Universalia was contracted by Citizenship and Immigration Canada to produce a review of the research on immigration in the official language minority communities. The report summarized the main research themes covered in this field during the...

Review of the Centre for Health and Population Research – Bangladesh

- Project

Universalia carried out an assessment of the soundness of ICDDRB (known as the Centre for Health and Population Research, which is local NGO) prior to developing a proposal to receive additional financial assistance from CIDA. The approach used in this...

South Asia Regional People and Policy Project (SARPPP) Monitoring/Technical Advisory Services

- Project

Universalia undertook a multi-year monitoring assignment of the CIDA South Asian Regional People and Policy Program, a multi-faceted program focused on strengthening the role of civil society organizations, enhancing women’s roles in local governance,...

Strategic Evaluation of IDRC’s Contributions to Capacity-building in the South

- Project

To gain a deeper understanding of what capacity-building means and to examine the development results achieved, IDRC commissioned Universalia to conduct this corporate level, program-wide evaluation with three distinct phases: (1) to investigate how...

Strategic Review of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Thematic

- Project

The purpose of this review was to assess the on-going relevance and strategic orientation of Rights and Democracy (R&D) programming in the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The evaluation provided R&D with recommendations and conclusions that drew on past...

Strengthening HIV Control Project in Kenya Phase III

- Project

The STD/HIV Control project in Kenya is an initiative of the University of Manitoba in collaboration with the University of Nairobi, funded by CIDA. The project believes that focused interventions can have a considerable impact on the transmission of...

Strengthening Participatory Organizations (SPO II) Monitoring/Technical Advisory Services

- Project

As part of a larger multi-year monitoring assignment, Universalia undertook organizational assessment of SPO, a Pakistani NGO engaged in strengthening civil society organizations role in democratization and policy development. Subsequent monitoring...

The Independent Evaluation of the Cities Alliance

- Project

The Cities Alliance is a global coalition of cities and their development partners committed to scaling up successful approaches to poverty reduction. The Alliance brings cities together in a direct dialogue with bilateral and multilateral agencies and...
