Independent External Evaluation of the International Land Coalition (ILC)
- Project
The main purpose of the evaluation was to provide IFAD with an independent review of the ILC’s progress in achieving its mission and objective. It was also intended to inform the Coalition Council about ILC’s institutional and programmatic progress,...
Independent Impact Assessment (IIA) of the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
- Project
UNCDF is a multilateral organization (US$25M) that provides grants in Least Developed Countries in two areas of programming: local governance and microfinance. The primary objective of the IIA was to assess whether UNCDF was performing as an effective,...
Institutional and Organizational Assessment Workshops for Executing Agencies of the Public Sector in Caribbean and Latin America
- Project
Universalia designed and facilitated training activities for more than 600 participants from the Public Sector. The workshops aimed at building capacities of Ministries and NGOs in assessing their organizational performance and implementing changes....
Institutional Assessment of the Inter Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) & Evaluation of its CIDA Funded Projects
- Project
IGAD is a regional economic block based in the Horn of Africa. CIDA had been supporting IGAD for over 20 years, but had never evaluated the organization. Given’s CIDA’s interest in the Horn of Africa, it commissioned an institutional assessment of IGAD...
Institutional Support to Environmental Management Support Service (SAGE-Fampandrosoana Maharitra)
- Project
Universalia was commissioned to assist SAGE in its development and elaboration of an action plan aimed at positioning SAGE as the key actor in the field of sustainable development in Madagascar.
IUCN World Conservation Congress, Amman
- Project
Extensive data was gathered for the evaluation from a variety of sources – including 150 participant interviews, 305 participant questionnaires, 579 interactive session questionnaires, interviews with 21 old and new Councillors and 12 senior IUCN...
Management for Development Results (MfDR): Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) Monitoring and Reporting
- Project
The objectives of this assignment were to develop a results framework as well as developing a training workshop for all stakeholders of BNTFO so as to improve the development effectiveness of the BNTF by promotion of accountability for results. The...
Meta Evaluation of the Government of Chile’s Program Evaluations
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At the request of the Dirección de Presupuestos (DIPRES) of the Government of Chile, the World Bank conducted a review of the government’s evaluation system, which has been in place since 1997. As part of this broader study, Universalia carried out a...
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Togo Pilot Social Trust Fund
- Project
Universalia was mandated by the WBI to conduct a mid-term review of the US$5 million Social Funds Program in Togo. The evaluation questions included the effectiveness of the fund to reach targeted populations, support grassroots projects, involving...
Mid-Term Program Evaluation and Institutional Assessment of the Canadian Rotary Collaboration for International Development (2006-2009)
- Project
CIDA hired Universalia to conduct a program evaluation and institutional assessment of the Canadian Rotary Collaboration for International Development (CRCID), to 1) assess the progress made on recommendations arising from a previous evaluation; 2)...