Universalia supported and sponsored the first edition of PIFED.
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Universalia is pleased to have supported and sponsored the first edition of the Programme international de formation pour l'évaluation à l'international (PIFED). This program brings together participants from around the world interested in the field of...
Universalia supported IDEAS Global Assembly 2011.
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Universalia is pleased to have supported the International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS) Global Assembly 2011....
Universalia receives top grades from UN Women.
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UN Women has released the 2009 UNIFEM Global Meta-Evaluation results, which grade decentralized evaluations for the agency undertaken in 2009 on their overall quality. Universalia earned the two highest scores for global evaluations on the Evaluation of...
Universalia to Conduct an Evaluation for the Organization of American States.
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Universalia has been commissioned by the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (GS/OAS) to conduct an External Evaluation of its Projects’ Effectiveness towards Strengthening of the Electoral Systems of OAS Member States. This...
Gerry Cooney to chair a session at the CAIDC Conference on May 12
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Universalia consultant, Geraldine Cooney, will be chairing a session entitled ‘Utilizing Evaluation Findings & Recommendations: How can we do better?’ during the Canadian International Development Consultants (CAIDC) Conference held on May 12, 2011....
Universalia will deliver seminars at the University of Warsaw in Poland.
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Universalia is pleased to announce that Charles has been invited to deliver a series of seminars by the University of Warsaw, Poland under the hospices of the Ministry of Regional Development of Poland. The topic of his seminars, which will take place...
Universalia to partner with the Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities (CIRLM).
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On behalf of the CIRLM, Universalia will lead the evaluation of the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Minority Language Education and Second-Official Language Instruction 2009-10 to 2012-13. The assignment involves four phases: the inception, formative...
Universalia will conduct an evaluability assessment for the Ontario Ministry of Education.
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Universalia has been awarded a contract to conduct an evaluability assessment for Ontario’s Teacher Learning and Leadership Program. The study involves the review of the program logic, its data systems and interviews with the program stakeholders....
Universalia will work in the area of language minorities in Canada.
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Universalia was awarded a contract by the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages of Canada to facilitate, and report on, a national forum on the implementation of the Official Languages Act. The workshop will bring together representatives...
Charles Lusthaus to participate in the Evaluating Organizational Performance live webinar on February 8, 2011 at 10h30 EST
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Within the new series of monthly live webinars on “Emerging Practices in Development Evaluation”, UNICEF, the Rockefeller Foundation, Claremont Graduate University, IOCE and DevInfo, are pleased to announce the fifth webinar with Charles Lusthaus,...