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Universalia’s Jérôme Gandin has been awarded the 2012 Kari Polanyi Levitt Prize.

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Universalia is proud to announce that Jérôme Gandin has been awarded the 2012 Kari Polanyi Levitt Prize....

Dr. Marie-Hélène Adrien will be presenting at the Shifting Gears Symposium held on June 14 and 15

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Dr. Marie-Hélène Adrien will be presenting at the Shifting Gears Symposium on NGO Adaptation and Innovation to be held on June 14 and 15. This Symposium is hosted by Humber’s International Development Institute (IDI) The Symposium will consider forces...

Universalia’s Jill Anne Chouinard and Brad Cousins (University of Ottawa) had a successful launch of their new book

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Universalia’s Jill Anne Chouinard and Brad Cousins (University of Ottawa) had a successful launch on May 23, 2012 of their new book, Participatory Evaluation Up Close: An Integration of Research-Based Knowledge (Information Age Publishing)....

Universalia has been engaged to undertake a formative evaluation of the PPR Foundation on Women's Dignity and Rights

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Universalia has been engaged to undertake a formative evaluation of the PPR Foundation on Women's Dignity and Rights. Created in 2009, this French corporate foundation, part of the PPR Group of luxury and sport & lifestyle brands, supports non...

Universalia has been awarded a contract by UN Women

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Universalia has been awarded a contract by UN Women to carry out the Final Evaluation of Integrating Gender Responsive Budgeting in the Aid Effectiveness Agenda Programme. The evaluation will be lead by Ms. Gerry Cooney and supported by team members...

Universalia has qualified as a supplier under the PWGSC Standing Offer and PWGSC Supply Arrangement

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Universalia has qualified as a supplier under the Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Standing Offer as well as the PWGSC Supply Arrangement. The firm is therefore eligible to provide professional services in areas related to evaluation...

Universalia has been awarded a contract to carry out the Mid Term Evaluation of the BNTF6 of the Caribbean Development Bank

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Universalia has been awarded a contract to carry out the Mid Term Evaluation (MTE) of the Basic Needs Trust Fund 6th Cycle (BNTF6) of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). The evaluation will be presented to the Board of Directors of the CDB in May 2012

Universalia to design and deliver workshops for IDB professionals in the Operations Department on MfDR

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Universalia has been awarded a third contract with the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) to design and deliver workshops for its professionals in the Operations Department on Management for Development Results (MfDR). The workshop will be delivered in...

Universalia to conduct the Evaluation of OCHA‘s Civil Military Coordination

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Universalia has been awarded a contract to conduct the evaluation of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)‘s Civil Military Coordination. The evaluation will include field visits in five countries where OCHA is operating. The...

Universalia is proud to announce the following new mandates in our Canadian practice

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Universalia has once again qualified with the Ontario Ministry of Education Vendor of Record (VoR) list. Our firm will be entitled to offer education evaluation services to the Ministry over the next three years.
