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Universalia recently completed the evaluation of two UNDAF cycles in Cambodia

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Universalia’s Performance Measurement Practice was mandated by the United Nations Development Programme in Cambodia to conduct the final evaluation of the 2011-2015 United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) cycle and the mid-term review of...

Universalia has been awarded a contract to conduct the evaluation of the BMGF Agriculture Advocacy in Africa Portfolio

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Universalia has been awarded a contract to conduct the evaluation of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) Agriculture Advocacy in Africa Portfolio. Through this evaluation the BMGF aims to better understand what mix of partners, advocacy tactics...

Universalia assisting the GAVI – The Vaccine Alliance

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Universalia has been awarded a contract to assist GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, in evaluating the participation of development countries of the Alliance in the governance of the Alliance, and more specifically, on the Board and in Board Committees....

Universalia Review of New Book: Monitoring and evaluation training: A systematic approach

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Charles Luthaus and Hussein Amery have prepared a review of a new and interesting book on Monitoring and evaluation that provides the knowledge and skills to support the development of both the suppliers of monitoring and evaluation as well as those...

Universalia awarded contract for the Conduct of a High-Level Evaluation for the International Labour Organization

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The Independent Evaluation of the ILO’s Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Lebanon and Jordan will seek to determine how well the region achieved the outcomes planned in response to the Syrian refugee crisis as well as other deliverables of the...

As feminist as need be, and until Peace prevails!

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International Women's Day (March 8) celebrates the achievements of women in their promotion of fundamental and specific rights, and in the prevention of all forms of violence around the world....

The most downloaded book of IDRC

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Universalia is proud to announce that one of its publications, written in partnership with IDRC (International Development Research Center) is the most downloaded IDRC publication of all time! This book presents a framework for assessing public and...

Dr. Adrien participates in the 14th CAADP Partnership Platform Meeting

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Dr. Marie-Hélène Adrien participates in the 14th CAADP Partnership Platform Meeting on the theme: Accelerating the Implementation of National Agricultural Investment Plans to Achieve the Malabo Goals and Targets....

Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluating the Sustainable Development Goals

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We are pleased to announce that Universalia’s Dr. Marie-Hélène Adrien and Mr. Lorenzo Daieff will be joining the faculty of McGill University’s Institute for the Study of International Development Executive Education program in May 2018....

Evaluation Study of the GPE’s Support to Sector Plan Development, including through Education Sector Plan Development Grants (ESPDG) in the context of GPE 2020

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We are pleased to announce that Universalia has won a contract with the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) to conduct the evaluation study of the GPE’s Support to Sector Plan Development, including through Education Sector Plan Development Grants ...
