Résultats de la recherche

Évaluation de l’efficacité de projets vis-à-vis du renforcement des systèmes électoraux dans les payx membres de l’Organisation des États Américains (OEA-OAS)

- Projet

Universalia a été mandaté par le Ministère de la Planification et de l'Évaluation (DPE) de l'Organisation des États américains (OEA-OAS) afin de procéder à une évaluation de l'efficacité des programmes visant à renforcer les systèmes électoraux des pays...

Évaluation de l’application par UNICEF d’une approche basée sur les Droits de l’Homme dans la Programmation (HRBAP)

- Projet

L'évaluation multi-pays de l’application de la HRBAP a été réalisée par une équipe d'évaluation composée de 5 consultants, dont un Évaluateur Chef d’Équipe, un Expert Sénior en Droits de l’Homme et un Expert Sénior en Affaires Humanitaires. Universalia...

Review of the Centre for Health and Population Research – Bangladesh

- Projet

Universalia carried out an assessment of the soundness of ICDDRB (known as the Centre for Health and Population Research, which is local NGO) prior to developing a proposal to receive additional financial assistance from CIDA. The approach used in this...

Strengthening HIV Control Project in Kenya Phase III

- Projet

The STD/HIV Control project in Kenya is an initiative of the University of Manitoba in collaboration with the University of Nairobi, funded by CIDA. The project believes that focused interventions can have a considerable impact on the transmission of...

Institutional Support to Environmental Management Support Service (SAGE-Fampandrosoana Maharitra)

- Projet

Universalia was commissioned to assist SAGE in its development and elaboration of an action plan aimed at positioning SAGE as the key actor in the field of sustainable development in Madagascar.

Human Resources Management Assessment, Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA)

- Projet

CPHA was the agency managing a multi-year CIDA project with the Southern African AIDS Trust (SAT). SAT mutated from a CIDA project to an autonomous NGO, funded by development agencies in Sweden and the Netherlands, as well as Canada. The new funding...

Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Building for Canadian Crossroads International (CCI)

- Projet

The purpose of the assignment was to assess needs, design, and establish an ongoing monitoring and evaluation system that would enable CCI to determine if it is achieving its program objectives and results; what unplanned results are being achieved; and...

Capacity Building and the Results Conundrum

- Article

PDF icon capbuild_resultsconundrum.pdf

Meta Evaluation of the Government of Chile’s Program Evaluations

- Projet

At the request of the Dirección de Presupuestos (DIPRES) of the Government of Chile, the World Bank conducted a review of the government’s evaluation system, which has been in place since 1997. As part of this broader study, Universalia carried out a...

Assessment of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

- Projet

Universalia was commissioned to carry out an organizational assessment of UNHCR with a focus on human resources management, organizational strategy, financial management and field operations review. This review provided an independent assessment of the...
