Formative review of Education For All (EFA) Global Monitoring Reports 2002-2005
- Projet
Universalia undertook the review with a view to obtaining insights on the quality, use, and efficiency of the production cycle of the first three EFA Global Monitoring Reports. More specifically, the key objectives of the formative review, as defined in...
Government Advisory and Exchange Program (GAEP)
- Projet
Universalia has been responsible for managing a five-year $12.5 million Government Advisory and Exchange Program (GAEP) designed to provide Russian public and private sector institutions, agencies and organizations with fast and flexible access to...
Organizational Assessment of the African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF)
- Projet
Universalia carried out an initial organizational review of AMREF jointly commissioned by CIDA & Sida. Universalia designed the overall approach for this study to include the development of an evaluation framework, to identify data sources, define...
External Project Monitoring and Technical Advisory Services for Nigeria AIDS Responsive Fund (NARF)
- Projet
In designing the Nigeria AIDS Responsive FUND (NARF), CIDA consulted with key stakeholders to identify gaps within the current national response to HIV/AIDS programming. Two areas were identified: the achievement of gender and respect for human rights...
Évaluation indépendante de l’Alliance des Villes (Cities Alliance)
- Projet
L’Alliance des Villes est une coalition de villes et de leurs partenaires de développement qui sont engagés à soutenir et mettre en place des approches de réduction de pauvreté qui ont fait leurs preuves. En février 2006, Universalia a été sélectionné...
Evaluation of UNIFEM Programming on Gender and HIV/AIDS
- Projet
The evaluation focused on the implementation of two major programmes: Enhancing Human Security through Gender Equality in the Context of HIV/AIDS (HSP) and UNIFEM Africa Regional Programme of Action on HIV/AIDS (ARP). The overall objectives of the...
Independent External Evaluation of the International Land Coalition (ILC)
- Projet
The main purpose of the evaluation was to provide IFAD with an independent review of the ILC’s progress in achieving its mission and objective. It was also intended to inform the Coalition Council about ILC’s institutional and programmatic progress,...
Results-Based Management (Centraide)
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Centraide is a Canadian NGO that works to combat poverty in Montreal by conducting an annual fundraising campaign that involves thousands of volunteers, and by financing a network of community agencies and projects. Universalia helped Centraide to...
Independent Evaluation of infoDev
- Projet
Universalia was selected to conduct the third evaluation of the infoDev Global Partnership Programme focusing on the development of innovative ICT4D approaches. The purpose of the assignment was to carry out a performance assessment of the entire...
Program Monitor: Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Debt Strategy and Analysis Capacity Building Program (CBP) Phase IV
- Projet
Universalia has been contracted by DFID on behalf of a consortium of seven donors to provide program monitoring and advisory services to the HIPC CBP Phase IV Steering Committee, the governance body for this initiative. To date, this assignment has...