Mid-Term Program Evaluation and Institutional Assessment of the Canadian Rotary Collaboration for International Development (2006-2009)
- Projet
CIDA hired Universalia to conduct a program evaluation and institutional assessment of the Canadian Rotary Collaboration for International Development (CRCID), to 1) assess the progress made on recommendations arising from a previous evaluation; 2)...
Evaluation of CIDA’s Country Program in Malawi (1998-2008)
- Projet
In 2008, CIDA contracted Universalia to conduct an evaluation of CIDA’s 1998-2008 Malawi Country Program. The evaluation pursues three major objectives: i) a summative review of the Malawi Program investments during the 1998-2008 period; ii) an...
Development of an Online Monitoring Tool for UN Cares
- Projet
Universalia is assisting in the development of an electronic tool to collect performance data from UN country teams and other sources and aggregate to the UN-system level, to enable reporting on progress on the Ten Minimum Standards established by UN...
Evaluation of UNIFEM’s Partnerships with Regional Organizations
- Projet
Universalia was contracted to carry out the evaluation of UNIFEM’s partnerships with regional organizations. This is a corporate evaluation and is undertaken as part of the 2008 evaluation plan of the Evaluation Unit. Given the recent growth in...
Evaluation of the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)
- Projet
The Water and Sanitation Program is an international partnership which aims to provide increased access to improved water and sanitation services for poor people living in rural and urban areas across the world. The overall purpose of this evaluation...
Egypt Country Program Review
- Projet
Universalia is conducting a summative evaluation and forward-looking assessment of CIDA’s Country Development Programming Framework in Egypt over the last five years. The summative evaluation will assess the extent to which the Egypt program has met its...
Evaluation of the United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Action to Eliminate Violence against Women (VAW)
- Projet
Universalia was contracted to conduct the external evaluation of the UN Trust Fund in Support of Action to Eliminate Violence against Women to assess the implementation of the United Nations Trust Fund Strategy 2005-2008. This formative evaluation put...
Evaluation of the UNHCR Joint Organizational Strategy (JOS)
- Projet
Universalia was commissioned in early 2009 to undertake the first-time evaluation of a joint organizational strategy (JOS) for UNHCR in which Canada, Denmark and the United Kingdom came together in 2007 to develop a common framework in which to situate...
Operations Audits of Basic Needs Trust Fund Office (BNTFO)
- Projet
CDB BNTF Team requested that operations audits be conducted in seven of the ten BNTF Offices (BNTFOs) to assess the extent to which each BNTFO’s governance structure, personnel, financial capability, management and monitoring and evaluation systems, and...
Management for Development Results (MfDR): Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) Monitoring and Reporting
- Projet
The objectives of this assignment were to develop a results framework as well as developing a training workshop for all stakeholders of BNTFO so as to improve the development effectiveness of the BNTF by promotion of accountability for results. The...