Résultats de la recherche

Institutional Assessment of the Inter Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) & Evaluation of its CIDA Funded Projects

- Projet

IGAD is a regional economic block based in the Horn of Africa. CIDA had been supporting IGAD for over 20 years, but had never evaluated the organization. Given’s CIDA’s interest in the Horn of Africa, it commissioned an institutional assessment of IGAD...

Results-Based Management Application in Fragile States

- Projet

CIDA, under leadership of EMM Branch, has recently established a working group (WG) on the application of RBM in fragile states. The purpose of the assignment was for the consultant to assist and advise CIDA EMM branch with regards to the following key...

AIESEC Institutional Evaluation and Program Evaluation

- Projet

Universalia conducted an evaluation of AIESEC Canada, a student-run organization providing leadership opportunities and international exchanges for students and recent graduates. Key issues in this review were an examination of the ongoing relevance of...

From Post Conflict to Development: Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in Kosovo (Phase III)

- Projet

Universalia evaluated phase III of UNIFEM’s Kosovo program that is focusing on the initiative’s effectiveness, relevance, sustainability of results, as well as on program management aspects. Key tasks included: Development of an evaluation methodology...

Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) Network Evaluation (GDPRD II)

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The GDPRD commissioned Universalia to undertake a network evaluation in December 2007. GDPRD is a joint donors’ initiative aimed at fostering donor coordination and contributing to improving aid effectiveness in the rural sector in order to put ...

Tracking UNIFEM Progress in Achieving Results for Management & Learning

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Universalia assisted UNIFEM in reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of its corporate performance monitoring and reporting systems and in developing a performance management framework that it could use to monitor, assess and report on its performance...

UNIFEM CEDAW South-East Asia Programme (SEAP) Evaluation

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The CEDAW South-East Asia Programme (CEDAW SEAP) is a programme of UNIFEM, supported by CIDA. The seven participating countries are Cambodia, Indonesia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), the Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam....

Early Formative Evaluation the World Bank Global Roads Facility

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Universalia recently assembled a multi-disciplinary team to undertake the early formative evaluation of the World Bank’s Global Road Safety Facility, a multi-donor program somewhat analogous to the Cities Alliance. The evaluation currently under way...

Training Program on the Result-Based Management Approach and Performance Measurement

- Projet

The objective of these training programs was to support the development of Bank’s project managers’ skills to use and develop a RBM approach, to support the efforts of the Bank to direct its activities to the achievement of more successful results. The...

Evaluation of the Rights and Democracy Organization

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The overall objective of this review was to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of R&D programs and initiatives in the field of human rights and democratic development. The Review assessed the degree to which R&D has narrowed its thematic focus...
