Evaluation of the United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Action to Eliminate Violence against Women (VAW)

Project ID: 



Marie-Hélène Adrien
Featured services: 
Monitoring & Evaluation
January, 2009

Universalia was contracted to conduct the external evaluation of the UN Trust Fund in Support of Action to Eliminate Violence against Women to assess the implementation of the United Nations Trust Fund Strategy 2005-2008.  This formative evaluation put emphasis on the key elements of the strategy, which will focus on two main aspects: 1) the overall implementation of the UN Trust Fund Strategy; and 2) the UN Trust Fund contributions to advancing the agenda on ending violence against women at country levels through selected case studies of grantees in an estimated four to six countries. The evaluation analyzes the effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of the UN Trust Fund Strategy from both a global perspective and at country level through a selected number of case studies.

Release Date: 
January, 2009

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