- Environment, climate change and natural resources management
The C&A Foundation commissioned an evaluation to assess the extent to which the grant-specific work of Better Cotton Initiative met its objectives, document any missed opportunities, and provide a focused set of recommendations and lessons to enhance learning and inform actions of similar projects.
Universalia delivered a utilisation-focused evaluation that maintained a learning orientation involving the participation of key stakeholders. Using OECD-DAC criteria, the evaluation assessed the relevance, effectiveness, sustainability and efficiency of the initiative. The evaluation drew upon three forms of inquiry: i) theory based, an examination of the causality that links activities and results; ii) contribution analysis, an examination of the significance of various grant supported activities; and iii) institutional and organisational analysis, an examination of the management and governance activities pertinent to the implementation of the C&AF grant.
Data collection included a document review and 41 semi-structured interviews with key informants. Deliverables included an inception report, a final evaluation report, a learning note and presentations to BCI, the Investment Committee and C&A Foundation stakeholders.