Mid-Point Evaluation of the “CanopyStyle Initiative”

Project ID: 



Laudes Foundation
Eric Abitbol, PhD
Featured services: 
Monitoring and Evaluation
May, 2019 to December, 2019

Universalia delivered a theory-based evaluation that provided a summative assessment of the extent to which CanopyStyle has met its objectives and a formative assessment of the key programmatic and operational factors that have enabled and/or inhibited its ability to meet its objectives.

Using OECD-DAC criteria, the evaluation assessed the relevance, effectiveness, sustainability and efficiency of the initiative. The evaluation drew upon five forms of inquiry: i) theory based, an examination of the causality that links grant activities and results; ii) stakeholder analysis, an examination of factors enabling and inhibiting participation in the CanopyStyle initiative; iii) contribution analysis, questions seeking to understand the added value provided by Canopy and C&AF to reform the viscose industry and to the protection of identified high carbon forest resources; iv) institutional and organisational analysis, an examination of the implementation of grant activities with a view to scalability and the likelihood of sustainability; and v) systems analysis, an examination of the interactive effects between the various CanopyStyle stakeholders.

Data collection was undertaken through a document review, 38 semi-structured interviews and an e-survey of partners. Deliverables included an inception report, a sense-making learning workshop, a final evaluation report and a findings meeting with CanopyStyle and C&A Foundation staff.

Release Date: 
May, 2019

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