The GCF was established by 194 governments in 2010 under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to contribute to the global response to climate change. The GCF’s mandate is to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries, and to help vulnerable...
Eric Abitbol, PhD, Marie-Eve Yergeau, Marie-Hélène Adrien, Philip Cox, Ansgar Eussner
, Anne-Marie Verbenken
, Natalie Martin
The overall purpose of the consultancy was to document and assess gender transformative approaches that have been applied within UNICEF health and nutrition programming in Africa. This has helped to document promising practices and identified elements of successful gender transformative programmes...
The Gender at the Centre Initiative (GCI) aims to improve gender equality in education through mobilizing technical resources to support Ministries of Education and other national actors in gender-responsive education sector planning (GRESP) and management, including analysis, plan and policy...
In designing the Nigeria AIDS Responsive FUND (NARF), CIDA consulted with key stakeholders to identify gaps within the current national response to HIV/AIDS programming. Two areas were identified: the achievement of gender and respect for human rights HIV/AIDS programming. CIDA launched the NARF in...
Universalia recently completed an organizational assessment of ADEA, a broad consortium which brings together Ministers of Education, 22 development agencies, numerous education specialists, and civil society organizations active in educational reform to discuss and reflect on the key educational...
The Evaluation of Poverty Reduction Strategies (PARSEP) project is supported by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the International Development Research Center (IDRC). It aims to support the national officers who are responsible of monitoring and evaluating the Poverty...
The African Virtual University (AVU) is an e-learning body established to increase access to tertiary level education through the application of information and communications technologies. This 2004 assignment utilised Institutional and Organisational Assessment techniques to conduct a formative...
The West African Capital Market Development Project promotes regional integration, both in terms of infrastructure (by financing regional infrastructure projects) and financial markets, across the eight WEAMU countries. It: (1) contribute to the development of the capital market in the eight...
Universalia was responsible for evaluating some IUCN Regional and National Offices in West Africa. It also had to elaborate a capacity-building plan for the offices. The evaluation aimed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the regional office and of its six national offices, this in the...
As part of the ten-year educational plan of the Ministry of Education of Niger, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Government of Niger contracted Universalia to conduct an organizational audit of the Ministry of Education, based upon a field mission in Niger in June 2001....