Projects Worldwide



The main objective of this assignment was to assess the performance of SDF 10, two years into its implementation. The MTR examined whether the objectives and targets of the fund, in relation to building social, economic and environmental resilience; supporting disaster risk management,...
The CDB’s Office of Independent Evaluation commissioned Universalia to conduct a Review of the CDB’s 2017 Education and Training Policy and Strategy (ETPS). The Review aimed to assess past performance and draw lessons and recommendations from CDB’s work in the education and training sector from...
The mid-term review aimed to answer the overarching quesiton of "how well has the SDF 9 done so far?" and "what is needed to strengthen its influence in the future?". The review team conducted an in-depth desk review and key informant interview, as well field visits to Barbados (CDB headquarters),...
The evaluation examines the extent to which the Bank’s activities have promoted gender equality and gather lessons and
recommendations to inform a new iteration of Gender Equality Policy and Operational Strategy (GEPOS). The evaluation examines the
extent to which the Bank’s activities have...
Formative evaluation of the sixth cycle of the Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF), the principal Programme within the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) for direct poverty reduction. The Programme is designed to assist poor and vulnerable communities in ten Borrowing Member Countries. The sixth cycle of...
The Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD) contracted Universalia to develop a Training of Trainers’ (ToT) Workshop in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The five-day workshop was held in Barbados from March 28 to April 1, 2011. The workshop brought together all 15 staff...
The objectives of this assignment were to develop a results framework as well as developing a training workshop for all stakeholders of BNTFO so as to improve the development effectiveness of the BNTF by promotion of accountability for results. The objectives of the consultancy were: to build...
CDB BNTF Team requested that operations audits be conducted in seven of the ten BNTF Offices (BNTFOs) to assess the extent to which each BNTFO’s governance structure, personnel, financial capability, management and monitoring and evaluation systems, and inter-institutional linkages allow it to...
Universalia was contracted to carry out the evaluation of UNIFEM’s partnerships with regional organizations. This is a corporate evaluation and is undertaken as part of the 2008 evaluation plan of the Evaluation Unit. Given the recent growth in partnerships with regional organizations, this...
The objective of the evaluation is to provide evidence of meeting the commitments and undertakings set out in the Resolution and Report of the Contributors of SDF 4 and 5 and the development outcomes in the BMCs receiving loans and grants from these cycles to the Contributors, BMCs and CDB as...
