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Final Evaluation of the Transforming Education for Girls in Nigeria and Tanzania (TEGINT) Project

- Project

The overall goal of the TEGINT project involved achieving a transformation in the education of girls in two countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Nigeria and Tanzania, with a focus on the northern regions of both countries. The TEGINT project sought to...

Final Evaluation of the Transforming Education for Girls in Nigeria and Tanzania (TEGINT) Project

- Project

The overall goal of the TEGINT project involved achieving a transformation in the education of girls in two countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Nigeria and Tanzania, with a focus on the northern regions of both countries. The TEGINT project sought to...

Joint Evaluation of the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C): Accelerating Change (2008-2012)

- Project

In 2007, UNFPA and UNICEF launched a joint programme entitled “Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C): Accelerating Change” with the objective of contributing to a forty per cent reduction of the practice among girls aged 0–15 years, with at least...

Independent External Evaluation of the Debt Management Facility for Low Income Countries (DMF)

- Project

The World Bank commissioned Universalia to carry-out this Independent External Evaluation of the DMF for Low Income Countries (LICs). The objectives of this evaluation were to 1) analyze the context within which DMF is operating and the implications for...

Global Evaluation of the Emergency Response Funds (ERFs)

- Project

In 2011, in consultation with donors, OCHA instituted an evaluation policy to conduct triennial global evaluations of country-based pooled funds. As such, a global evaluation of the Emergency Response Funds (ERFs) will be conducted in 2012, replacing...

Thematic Evaluation of UN Women’s Contribution to Prevent Violence against Women and Expand Access to Services

- Project

UN Women merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system, which focused exclusively on gender equality and women’s empowerment: the Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW); the International Research and...

Evaluation of the Transitional and Demobilization Reintegration Program (TDRP)

- Project

The TDRP is financed by a $30.8 million multi donor trust fund (MDTF), to which there are seven different donor contributions, the largest of which is 72 percent contributed by the AfDB. The TDRP is a four-year program (2009-2013) with the following...

Evaluation of OCHA’s Role in Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination

- Project

Universalia carried out an evaluation of OCHA’s role in humanitarian civil-military coordination (CMCoord) for OCHA HQ. The objective of the evaluation was to determine OCHA’s effectiveness in carrying out the CMCoord function as well as best practices...

Evaluation of the PPR Foundation for Women’s Dignity and Rights

- Project

Universalia was contracted to assist in this evaluation, whose purpose was to assess the Foundation’s performance in terms of the portfolio of projects implemented during its initial three years of existence, as well as to make strategic recommendations...

Mid–Term Evaluation of the Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) 6

- Project

Formative evaluation of the sixth cycle of the Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF), the principal Programme within the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) for direct poverty reduction. The Programme is designed to assist poor and vulnerable communities in ten...
