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Summative Evaluation of the Roadmap for Canada’s Linguistic Duality 2008-2013 along with a Summative Evaluation of the Official Languages Support Programs

- Project

The Roadmap for Linguistic Duality 2008-2013: Acting for the Future (Roadmap) is a strategic and major horizontal initiative of the Government of Canada that engages fifteen federal institutions with a budget totaling more than a billion dollars over...

Study on models and initiatives regarding the integration of Internationally Educated Health Professionals

- Project

The Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) requested this study to learn more about integration practices and models for internationally educated health professionals (IEHPs). Documentary sources were used to identify the most relevant...

Evaluation of the Accountability and Coordination Framework of the Roadmap for Canada’s Linguistic Duality 2008-2013 – Justice Canada Component

- Project

Universalia was contracted by the Department of Justice Canada to lead the summative evaluation of the Accountability and Coordination Framework of the Roadmap for Canada’s Linguistic Duality 2008-2013 - Justice Canada Component. The Framework aims to...

UNICEF Philippines Evaluability Assessment of the UNICEF PCO CPAP 2012-16

- Project

As part of the Country Program Action Plan (CPAP) development process, the UNICEF Philippines Country Office (PCO) contracted Universalia, following a competitive process, to conduct an evaluability assessment (EA) of the CPAP. The objectives of this...

Organize, Implement, pre-Test and Analyze a Survey Instrument on Youth at Risk Issues in the Caribbean within the Boys Out of Risk Project of the World Bank (Boys Out of Risk Initiative)

- Project

In 2008, the World Bank and the Commonwealth Secretariat launched the Regional Caribbean Initiative on Keeping Boys Out of Risk to respond to deteriorations in development outcomes for boys. Consequently, the World Bank has committed to a multi-year...

Cluster Evaluation of UN Women Fund for Gender Equality Economic and Political Empowerment Catalytic Grant Programmes Focused on Domestic and Informal Work: The Cases of Cameroon, Egypt, and Philippines

- Project

Over the period 2009-2011, the Fund for Gender Equality, managed by UN Women, has provided grants to NGOs in developing countries to promote women’s economic and political empowerment. The evaluation focused on three programmes (one in Cameroon, one in...

CGAP IV Mid-Term Evaluation

- Project

The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) commissioned Universalia Management Group to conduct an external, independent mid-term evaluation of CGAP’s performance covering the period of July 2008 through June 30, 2011. The overarching objectives...

Exploratory Study on Issues Related to Parts IV, V and VI of the Official Languages Act of Canada

- Project

Universalia was mandated to conduct an exploratory study on issues related to Parts IV, V and VI of the Official Language Act (OLA) of Canada. This study served as a source of information to help develop the summative evaluation framework of the...

Evaluation of the OAS-CIDA Cooperation Plan 2008-2011

- Project

Universalia was commissioned by the General Secretariat of the Organization of North American States (DPE/GS/OAS) to evaluate the OAS/CIDA Cooperation Plan 2008-2011, financed by the Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA). During this...

Final Evaluation of the Gender Action Plan (GAP)

- Project

Universalia was contracted to carry out an external final evaluation of the GAP. The World Bank Group’s (WBG) Gender Action Plan “Gender Equality as Smart Economics” (GAP) was launched in January 2007. The GAP’s main objective is to expand women’s...
